We empower INNOVATORs
TURNING smart ideas INTO business.

We, a professional and trusted network of Experts and service providers, excite, enable and empower Founders & Innovators with a wide range of expertise to get straightforward and efficient solutions.

Our passion and skills are all about bringing new ideas to life. As 'The Expert Company', we enable existing or new team members with one or multiple capabilities or even take over the entire workload to us - based on pricing models which makes sense in every situation.

Our Expertise

Startup Expertise

Vision, Market-Positioning, Business Model, Customers, Product-Market-Fit,Pricing, Roadmap, Business Plan, Goals, Investor Deck

CTO Expertise

DigitalStrategy, Digital Business Modell, Digital Transformation

Fundings & Funding Expertise

Investments, Structuring

Board Expertise

Active and supporting Board Member

CFO Expertise

Financial& liquidity planning, Resource planning, Investment appraisal, Valuation, Risk Mgmt, Reporting (external), Taxes

Sales Expertise

Sales Strategy, Business Analytics & Reporting, Growth & Business Dev., Distribution & Partner Channels, Coaching & Performance

Human Resource Expertise

Culture, Recruiting (-Processes), Employee Onboarding, Employee Development, Employee Administration, ...

Marketing Expertise

Branding, Website, Social Media, Lead Generation, Funnel Building, Conversion Optimization, Lead -> SQL Process, Aligning Marketing & Sales

Information Technology

Modern Workplace, IT Security & Compliance, Tooling / Customizing / Processes, ...

Finance Expertise

Accounting,Controlling, Financial Analysis / Performance, Reporting (internal)

Legal Expertise

Legal advice & consultation, Contract review & drafting, Corporate legal support, IP protection, Employment law, M&A

Our Experts

Philip Nussbaumer
Startup- / Innovation Expert
My passion is to bring new ideas to life. I love and live entrepreneurship.
Michael Borell
Sales Expert
Enabling Sales Teams with Data Driven Strategies and Operational Sales Best Practices.

Sebastian Wowra
Partner & Funding Expert
Oliver Gabor
Team accelerator and workshop Expert
Optimizes business processes and team collaboration through creative workshops, where he playfully addresses individual challenges and promotes solutions.
Anina Kuoni
Legal Expert
Advising and representing companies regarding all issues in employment law
Roger Basler
Digital Business, Marketing & Social Media Expert
I strongly believe that we can only move forward as a society if we share ourknowledge.
Sebastian Schneider
Go-to-market Expert
Enabling organizatioins to get to the next level in all commercial aspects.
Laura Gialluca
PR Expert
I help companies to become well known through newspapers, radio and TV.
Natascha Frei
Marketing Expert
I support entrepreneurs and employees to get the best out of their existing resources.
Oliver Scheffert
Corporate Development
Dedicated to empowering software vendors, I specialize in driving sustainable growth by intertwining Leadership, Culture, and Sales Performance.
Fabienne Roos
People & Performance Expertise
Building a productive and motivated team, maximizing performance potentials, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement is crucial. This ultimately leads to sustainable company growth and innovative success.
Ronald Sonntag
Supply Chain Expert
Entering new markets and icreasing profitability by balancing service, costs and sustainbility of your transport flows.
Patrizio Marinaccio
IT Expert
We are the partner for your SME on its path to the digital world! Individual and personal on your side.
Philipp Leo
Cyber Risk Expert
A Trusted Ally in Navigating the Intricate Landscape of Cyber Risk.
Frank Zurbriggen
Accounting & Taxes Expertise
I’m here to help you built up the accounting, the businessplan, the financeplan, all optimized concerning taxes.
Christian Weisbrodt
GoToMarket Expert for B2B and SaaS
Enabling GoToMarket-Organizations to efficiently grow revenue based on strategies, analytics, processes and cross-department alignment
Michel Lüscher
Cloud & Tech Maestro, CTO Expert
Empower Product Teams to Deliver Unmatched Value and Drive True Business Impact by Solving Problems with Technology.
Baschi Sale
LinkedIn & Social Selling Expert
Leading LinkedIn Expert & LinkedIn Top Voice with a focus on relationship building.
Isabelle Ganz
Management Expert
My commitment lies in delivering innovative solutions customized to the unique needs of those I serve.
Minh Ly
Funding Expert
I am here to enable founder Teams with empirically-driven fundraising strategies and best funding practices.
Linus Haferkemper
Customer Success Expert
Growing revenue from existing clients 🚀
Marion Viejo
Video Production Expert
Lorenz Ramseyer
Remote Work Expert
Innovative Remote Work Strategist and President of Digital Nomads Switzerland: Pioneering Future Workplaces with Expertise in Leadership Development and Organizational Transformation
Jonathan Hanhart
Mechanical engineering / Product development
We enable the technical implementation and market launch of sustainable product ideas.
Michael Karrer
Funding Expert
Óscar Gigirey Ríos
Sales Expert
Enabling Sales Team, Company expansion and development
Timo Lohrer
Sales Expert
With practise-oriented sales processes and coaching to predictable sales success. / Mit praxisorientierten Sales-Prozessen und Coaching zum planbaren Vertriebserfolg.
Ato Herzig
Web Design and SEO Expert
Enabling startups to get more organic exposure and leads via data-based search engine optimization (SEO).
Marko Schneider
Sales Expert
Coaching and Developing your Buisness for Aspiring Start-Ups
Julien Weissenberg
Artificial Intelligence Expert
Robert Adams
Marketing Expert
Maria Witte
Science and R&D Grants Expert
“I’m here to guide your business towards the pot of gold at the end of the R&D rainbow with expertise that bridges innovation with funding strategy.”
Steffen Hey
Grant Consultant & Finance Expert
Enabling finance teams with structured project management to be an efficient business partner as well as acquisition of R&D Grants for Innovators.
Agnieszka Lipinski
Human Resource Expert
Driving strategic growth through people management
Raphael Buchberger
Marketing & Branding Expert
Roland Sailer
Product Design Expert
Benjamin Kopf
Human Resources (HR) Expert
Turnkey HR-Solutions for Start & Scale-ups
Laura Schröder
Markerting Expert
Experienced B2B marketing executive and brand strategist. I help startups build professional challenger brands quickly and efficiently.
Enrico Schläpfer
International  Sales
Business  Development Expert with 20+ years in international sales and market  expansion.
Sheila Pfenninger
Corporate Law
We offer legal advice that is also feasible from a practical business point of view, so that you can focus on your business.
Christian Schmoll
Legal Counsel & DPO (IT Law and Data Protection Expert)
Experienced Legal Counsel, pragmatic inhouse approach, focused on smooth contracting processes, demonstrated history of working in the information technology and marketing industry, both in a big tech and startup environment, skilled in IT contracting, data protection, information security, marketing, e-commerce, and compliance.


'UNFILTERED', our lastest podcast episode


Michael Kubli
“With the last investment round, we wanted to implement a new and professional sales approach. In close collaboration with TEC, we found the right tools and managed to build effective sales processes, analytics and dashboards. All of that helped us a lot to improve our market position."
Rinaldo Lieberherr
“We at UPGREAT play often a role as an incubator in some areas. TEC helped us to bring a bunch of innovation forward and to life. Two of these initiatives were govy.swiss and Modern Workplace where we not only worked on technology topics but got results from a business- and commercial view too."
Max Ziegler
"With 'Himmel am Berg' we transformed our hobby into a professional business. TEC helped us to position ourself in the market, to create a business plan and ago-to-market strategy. Last but no least we built the whole online store and the logistic based on the experience of the TEC guys."
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